Read and Publish: Contacts

This guide covers how academics can access journals the library subscribes to, and we support our researchers to publish gold open access papers in these journals.

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What to do if my APC is not funded by a Read and Publish deal?

Have you checked the Read & Publish deals and exhausted the possibilities suggested in the Publish section above but still could not find a suitable journal that we have prepaid to the publishers to give you free credits to cover the author's APC for gold open access publishing? 

If the journal intended for your publication is not covered by the deals, you can check with your departmental Directors of Research to see whether faculty funding is available or email the Research Excellence Team of the Research Office to see whether there is a central funding available or/and check the BCU Open Access website.

The Library does not have funding for APCs outside the existing Read and Publish deals. Contact Research Support Librarian if you have any questions about this.

Further Help

Library Research Support

Research Support LibrarianGuojin Liu  

Library Copyright

Library Supervisor (Digitisation & Copyright) - Tom Rowley

Open Access

Research Excellence Team, Research Office - Open Access mailbox

Open Access Resources

Library Collection and Management Team created a guide to help you to discover open access academic publications that can be read online and used for learning, teaching and research - check the Open Access Resources Guide

Guidance for Researchers

If you are looking for more information to support your research at BCU and beyond - check the Researchers Guide