Read and Publish: Wiley

This guide covers how academics can access journals the library subscribes to, and we support our researchers to publish gold open access papers in these journals.

BCU had renewed a subscription to the Wiley Jisc Transformative agreement for the period of Jan 2024- December 2025. This Read and Publish Deal covered the access to read the contents of Wiley journals and the access to publish your article Gold OA at no cost to you with fully OA journals and hybrid journals. Check the deal's eligibility requirements and submission procedures below.

Criteria and restrictions

Author eligibility

The corresponding author must be affiliated with Birmingham City University. Please submit with your BCU email address if possible so we can check this quickly and easily.

Article eligibility

Primary research and review articles accepted between 1st January 2024 and 31st December 2025.

Journal eligibility

Wiley & Hindawi fully Open Access Journals Licensing and APCs (Excel download) and hybrid journals (Excel download).

How to access

You will need to follow one of two workflows depending on the journal type. In both cases you will need to identify yourself as belonging to BCU while you are submitting your article so that we receive the funding request via the university’s Wiley Online Open Access account.

The workflow for publishing in a completely Open Access journal is explained in Publishing Your Article in a Fully Open Access Journal (PDF download), and the workflow for publishing OnlineOpen in a hybrid journal is detailed in  Make your article open access within a hybrid* journal (PDF download).

More information

Open access agreement for authors at eligible UK institutions (Wiley author services).