Read and Publish: Springer Compact

This guide covers how academics can access journals the library subscribes to, and we support our researchers to publish gold open access papers in these journals.

BCU has renewed our subscription to the Springer Compact Jisc Transformative agreement for the period of 2023-2025. This Read and Publish Deal covers the access to read the contents of Springer and the access to publish your article Gold OA at no cost to you, provided that the journal in which you intend to publish is covered by the deal, i.e. as Hybrid / Open Choice (see journal eligibility below).

According to the Springer website, as long as your article is the correct type of article* and you submit it using BCU email address and/or picks BCU as your institution and you are the corresponding author, it should get picked up and come through to the library's funding approval dashboard. You will need to specifically request OA publication and choose a Creative Commons licence.

*Original Paper, Review Paper, Brief Communication or Continuing Education.

Criteria and restrictions

Author eligibility

As the corresponding author you must be affiliated with Birmingham City University (BCU).

Article eligibility

Eligible articles include:

  • Original papers
  • Review papers
  • Brief communications
  • Continuing education

Journal eligibility

Any journal identified as Hybrid / Open Choice is eligible:

Eligible Springer Nature Journals (Excel file )

How to access

Start by choosing to submit a manuscript from the home page of an eligible journal to begin the author workflow. Please remember to select BCU as your institution and use your BCU email address for eligibility to publish open access with the fees covered.

More information

For more information visit the Springer Nature information for authors web page for open access agreements in the UK:

Springer Nature Open Access Agreement