English: e-books
The library has a huge range of individual e-book titles which you can search with the Library Search box located on every page of the library website.
Listed below are some of the e-book collections the library has a subscription for.
Subject specific e-book collections
- Black Thought and Culture This link opens in a new window
Search or browse for non-fiction writings, including letters, speeches, essays, political leaflets and interviews, from more than 1,000 black American leaders, including teachers, artists, politicians, religious leaders, athletes, war veterans and entertainers, documenting over 250 years of history.
- Cambridge Companions to Literature and Classics This link opens in a new window
Search or browse this collection of over 470 e-books on literature topics including authors, their works and literature genres.
- Drama Online This link opens in a new window
Search or browse for texts, criticism, images and videos of drama, plays, playwrights, stage and theatre.
- Early English Books Online This link opens in a new window
Search or browse more than 100,000 digitized copies of a early English works, including almanacs, bibles, literature, prayer books, proclamations and sermons all dating from between 1475 to 1700.
- Literature Online This link opens in a new window
Search or browse English language poetry, prose and drama from the 8th Century through to the present day along with literary criticism and reference materials.
- Oxford Handbooks Linguistics This link opens in a new windowA collection of eBooks on Linguistics containing essays on the latest research, debate and thinking from subject experts.
- Oxford Handbooks Literature This link opens in a new windowA collection of eBooks on Literature containing essays on the latest research, debate and thinking from subject experts.
- Oxford Handbooks Philosophy This link opens in a new windowA collection of eBooks on Philosophy containing essays on the latest research, debate and thinking from subject experts.
- Oxford World's Classics This link opens in a new windowA collection of over 300 eBooks, including novels and other writings, from the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries.
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