English: Media: film, performance, sound

This guide brings together key resources to help you find information relating to the study of English, including English language, literature, creative writing and drama.

Recording video using a smart phone

Image Credit: BCU Assets

The Library also subscribes to collections of online resources for streaming media content, including TV, film, sound and performance and stocks physical media including DVDs, CDs and Vinyls.

Browse the resources below:


Films, Videos and Images

DVDs, CDs and Vinyl LPs in Curzon Library

Curzon Library AV Room (C001)

The Library has a large collection of Compact Discs, SACDs (Super-Audio CDs), Long-Playing Vinyl Records (LPs), DVDs and and a growing collection of Blu-Ray videos. These are all in Room C001.

To search for these use the search box on the Library website  especially for compilation CDs, SACDs, LPs and DVDs as these will not easily be found by browsing the shelves.


Listening and watching Facilities

Room C001 contains CD and SACD (Super Audio CD) players and turntables (including a USB turntable for recording from Vinyl LP) for your listening and two Blu-Ray players for viewing DVDs and Blu-Ray discs.

Library shelving with CD and DVD cases

Student loads vinyl LP onto record player.