Sound Engineering, Visual Effects and Film Technology: e-books
This guide brings together key resources to help you find information relating to Visual Effects, Digital Film Production, Music Technology, Sound Engineering and Production courses.
The library has a huge range of individual e-book titles which you can search with the Library Search box located on every page of the library website.
Listed below are some of the e-book collections the library has a subscription for.
Subject specific e-book collections
- Access Engineering This link opens in a new window
Search or browse for information from engineering handbooks and textbooks. Also includes videos and the data visualisation tool, DataVis.
- IET Digital Library This link opens in a new window
Search or browse over 250 engineering, science and technology eBooks published between 2016 and 2021.
- Lecture Notes in Computer Science This link opens in a new windowSearch or browse the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series of books and conference proceedings for research and development information on computer science and information technology.
- Packt Publishing This link opens in a new windowSearch or browse the IG Publishing platform for eBooks from Packt Publishing on information technology topics including artificial intelligence, cloud & security, data & machine learning, programming and web development.
Find more e-books sources
Filter the A-Z of databases list for e-books to find more e-book providers.
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