Law: New books
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Diverse Voices in Tort Law by Kirsty Horsey (Editor) This captivating book explores uncharted territory in tort law, shedding light on underexplored viewpoints in the field.The collection brings issues of social class, race, gender, marginalisation, vulnerability and harm into conversation with core tort law topics to encourage a more critical examination of the law and its impact on different groups of people. Written by experts in the main areas of tort law from negligence to defamation and personal torts, chapters will:* deepen students' understanding of the central concepts and practices of tort law;* uncover the power imbalances and privileges that underpin tort law decisions and their impact on lived experiences;* amplify under-represented voices by signposting to the work and ideas of scholars that are less visible in the field. Integrating marginalised perspectives into the curriculum and discourse, this indispensable textbook paves the way for a more inclusive and comprehensive understanding of tort law.Chapter 9 available open access digitally under CC-BY licence.
ISBN: 9781529231663Publication Date: 2024-04-23European Union Law by Damian Chalmers; Gareth Davies; Giorgio Monti; Veerle Heyvaert This new edition sets out an account of EU law that includes not only that law's established features, but captures its development in recent years and the challenges facing the European Union. With dedicated new chapters on climate change, data protection, free movement of capital, and the EU's relations with other European States, topics such as the Union's response to covid-19 and the Ukraine crisis are addressed in detail. As with previous editions, the new edition integrates case law, legislation, academic materials and wider policy contributions in a way that broadens students' understanding of the law and prompts greater critical reflection on the limits, challenges, and possibilities of EU law. It seeks to set out EU law not so much as a series of laws to be learned but as something that stimulates heavy debate about some of the most contentious and significant issues of our time.
ISBN: 9781009230308Publication Date: 2024-03-31FA Mann by Jason Allen (Editor); Gerhard Dannemann (Editor) This book traces the life and legacy of a German Jewish lawyer, F A Mann, who moved to the UK in 1933 fleeing racial persecution from Germany, and later became one of the best-known legal minds of his age, equally versed and experienced in legal practice and legal scholarship. With contributions from established and emerging scholars, legal practitioners, and members of the judiciary from around the world, F A Mann: The Lawyer and His Legacy is split into three parts. Part I sets out a legal biography of F A Mann, with a particular emphasis on his background, network, and the insights afforded by previously unstudied archival materials. Part II covers the broad range of sub-disciplines and practice areas in which Mann was active and explores the way in which he helped to form them. Part III, on monetary law, reflects both Mann's outstanding influence and the current topicality of monetary law issues. Drawing on some 12,500 letters of Mann's personal correspondence with judges, academics, and legal practitioners, this book explores how Mann's biography, his equal familiarity with German and English law and with academia and legal practice, and his wide range of legal interests have contributed to his lasting influence on law and legal scholarship.
ISBN: 9780198881452Publication Date: 2024-05-08Global Animal Law from the Margins by Iyan Offor This book critically engages the emerging field of global animal law from the perspective of an intersectional ethical framework. Reconceptualising global animal law, this book argues that global animal law overrepresents views from the west as it does not sufficiently engage views from the Global South, as well as from Indigenous and other marginalised communities. Tracing this imbalance to the early development of animal law's reaction to issues of international trade, the book elicits the anthropocentrism and colonialism that underpin this bias. In response, the book outlines a new, intersectional, second wave of animal ethics. Incorporating marginalised viewpoints, it elevates the field beyond the dominant concern with animal welfare and rights. And, drawing on aspects of decolonial thought, earth jurisprudence, intersectionality theory and posthumanism, it offers a fundamental rethinking of the very basis of global animal law. The book's critical, yet practical, new approach to global animal law will appeal to animal law and environmental law experts, legal theorists, and those working in the areas of animal studies and ecology.
ISBN: 9781032226989Publication Date: 2023-08-01Human Rights and the Universal Periodic Review Mechanism by Damian Etone; Amna Nazir; Alice Storey "The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is a peer-review mechanism, reviewing all 193 UN Member States protection and promotion of human rights. After 10 years of the existence of the UPR mechanisms, this collection examines the effectiveness of the UPR, theoretical and conceptual debates about its modus operandi, and the lessons that can be drawn across different regions/states to identify possible improvements. The book argues that despite its limitations, the UPR mechanism with its inclusive, cooperative and collaborative framework, is an important human rights mechanism with the potential to evolve over time into an effective cooperative tool for monitoring human rights implementation. Divided into three parts, the first focuses on exploring a variety of theoretical approaches to understanding the UPR mechanism. The second part examines specific human rights themes and the relationship between the UPR mechanism and other international mechanisms. Finally, Part III questions implementation and the ways in which states/regional groupings have engaged with the UPR mechanism and what lessons can be learned for the future. The volume will be a valuable resource for researchers, academics and policy-makers working in the area of International Human Rights law, International Organizations and International Relations"--
ISBN: 9781032542614Publication Date: 2024-02-01International Human Rights Law and Practice by Ilias Bantekas; Lutz Oette Now in its fourth edition, Bantekas and Oette's textbook on international human rights law is the key text around the globe for both undergraduate- and graduate-level courses in law and other disciplines with a human rights dimension. It covers theoretical approaches to rights as well its practice, from grassroots activism to strategic litigation. In addition to classical topics of human rights, the book includes chapters on the interface between investment/trade and human rights, terrorism, the protection of vulnerable persons (such as LGBTQIA+, persons with disabilities, older persons and others), the rights of women, international criminal and humanitarian law, the right to development and sustainable development, reparations and victims' rights, and many others. It has been widely adopted by instructors across the globe for LLM/JD and LLB courses.
ISBN: 9781009306379Publication Date: 2024-02-15The Law and Regulation of Solicitors: Client Money by Katie Jackson All those involved in legal services delivery, whether solicitors, licensed conveyancers, reporting accountants, or other legal professionals, need to understand the requirements for receiving, holding, and transferring client money. Handling this money also has another dimension for the professional to carefully consider: the serious issue of anti-money laundering. Presenting the rules, requirements, and anti-money laundering context of law firm financial management in an easy-to-understand guide, this book takes a new angle by examining client money in two important and related arenas: - Within the client account - Within the legislative framework for money laundering Providing a straightforward explanation of the Solicitors Accounts Rules, CLC Accounts Rules, the Money Laundering Regulations 2017, and the relevant sections of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, its practical layout encompasses diagrams, worked examples, and a section of training materials for use as continuous professional development. The book not only informs and is a reference point for the reader and their firm, but it also provides example forms, risk assessments, and training plans. Firms can use it as a basis for policies and procedures, learning and education, and for broader policy debate amongst more senior professionals. This is essential reading for those studying to become solicitors or licensed conveyancers; legal and finance professionals; money laundering reporting officers; and accounts professionals in legal services.
ISBN: 9781526524614Publication Date: 2023-06-23Legal systems and skills by Slorach, J. Scott An innovative solution to teaching English legal system and legal skills, this book provides a holistic and contextual understanding of legal systems and skills (both academic and professional) to underpin and enhance legal studies, providing a foundation for graduate employability both within and outside the legal profession.
ISBN: 9780192874429Publication Date: 2023Legal Team of the Future by CURPHEY; Adam Curphey The legal profession needs more than law. Whether you are a student, a law school, a university, a law firm or an in-house legal team, The Legal Team of the Future is the definitive guide to understanding and building the holistic skills required of those working in legal services now and in the future. Highlighting the importance of multidisciplinary teams working collaboratively to solve legal problems, the book introduces a 'Law+' model for the profession, comprising sixteen skills across four quadrants: Law+People, Law+Business, Law+Change and Law+Technology. As well as outlining each of the skills, the book explains how to build those skills as an individual, a law firm, an in-house team, a university or a law school. Designed for both lawyers and business professionals working in law, The Legal Team of the Future dispels the myth that the 'lawyer of the future' is solely responsible for the future of the profession, instead focusing on diverse individuals working within their own specializations. The Law+ model is more than an academic theory, containing real-world examples and case studies and devised by an expert in legal innovation who is still working in the field on a daily basis. This book is the guide you need to navigate the future of the legal profession and to stay ahead of the pack in delivering legal services to clients.
ISBN: 9781913019648Publication Date: 2022-09-29Philosophical Foundations of the Law of Express Trusts by Simone Degeling (Editor); Jessica Hudson (Editor); Irit Samet (Editor) The trust is a highly popular mode of property-holding and one of the most important innovations in the law of equity. It presents the jurist with numerous conceptual, doctrinal, and ethical challenges. In addition to being used towards the pursuit of good, trusts have also been used for ill, and the interaction of trust law with other laws agitates received principles of justice, efficiency, and coherence in the law. Trust law remains, nevertheless, under-theorized. While its technical and doctrinal aspects have been studied intensively, the foundational questions to which they give rise have remained largely unexamined. This volume takes an important step towards filling this gap. The chapters in this book explore some of these quandaries with a view to initiating and encouraging further engagement and learning. They identify different challenges and adopt a variety of methodological approaches and perspectives towards their resolution, ranging from conceptual questions about what is 'the trust' and 'trusts law', chapters analysing the legal and/or moral statuses of each of the settlor, trustee, and beneficiary, to chapters questioning the moral foundations of different trusts and range of pursuits towards which parties have deployed them.
ISBN: 9780192844934Publication Date: 2024-02-24Principles of the Law of Agency by Howard Bennett The 2nd edition of this successful book provides a fully updated, succinct examination of the principles of agency law. The book explores the rules of attribution, the rights and obligations arising within the agency relationship, the impact of agency in the fields of contract and tort, and the termination of an agent's authority. Throughout the book, full consideration is given to the issues arising under the Commercial Agents (Council Directive) Regulations 1993. The discussion is informed not only by common law authority that constantly nourishes the development of agency law principle, but also by international soft law instruments and the Restatement of the Law, Third: Agency.
ISBN: 9781509926992Publication Date: 2024-03-21Trial by Numbers by Adam Chilton; Kyle Rozema A significant problem within the legal profession is that many of the lawyers litigating cases and the judges deciding them have only a limited understanding of how to properly interpret empirical evidence. Trial by Numbers provides an easy way for members of the legal profession to acquire a basic understanding of the most common methods that serve as the building blocks for empirical evidence in academic articles, policy briefs, and expert witness reports. Adam Chilton and Kyle Rozema take a different approach to other introductory books on empirical methods, omitting the formulas and equations found in other books, and instead focusing on explaining the intuition and logic of common empirical methods. The work also exclusively use examples that are relevant to law school and legal practice.
ISBN: 9780197747858Publication Date: 2024-05-07Unlocking Environmental Law by Simon Sneddon - Offers broad and accessible coverage that can be used by Law and non-Law students alike. - Supported by extensive pedagogical tools, including case studies and chapter summaries. - Covers emerging topics such as environmental justice and the law around wild animals.
ISBN: 9780367682873Publication Date: 2023-11-08Valuing Employment Rights by A. C. L. Davies This book gives new insights into employment law by analysing a neglected topic: remedies for breaches of employment rights. It explores remedies in the wider context of compliance with, and enforcement of, employment law through criminal law and other regulatory techniques. The book argues that some of the remedies set out in statute or at common law for working people are a poor 'fit' for the employment rights they are supposed to protect. Employment rights are often undervalued in the legal system, because remedies for their infringement are subject to limitations not applicable to rights in other settings. This limits their ability both to uphold the dignity of working people and to deter breaches. Moreover, the remedies on offer do not always suggest a sensible ranking of employment rights in which fundamental rights attract stronger remedies than other kinds of rights and interests. The book suggests why some of these problems might have arisen and makes proposals for reform. It also considers the wider implications for a system of employment law that depends so heavily for its enforcement on working people litigating to enforce their rights. Ranging widely across theory and doctrine, and analysing criminal law, contract and tort as well as statutory employment law, this book will be of interest to academics and researchers seeking a deeper understanding of the subject.
ISBN: 9781509955268Publication Date: 2024-05-09