Law: Key journals
Journals cover a range of sources, including newspapers; magazines and scholarly publications. News and research around your subject area are usually published first in journals.
A journal can be useful to find:
up-to-date information
what has been researched on your topic
information that points to other relevant research
Locating Law Journals
You can search by article title, journal title or keyword in Library Search. Print-only journals are available in your campus library.
Here are some of the key journals in your subject areas:
- British Journal of American Legal Studies
- Common Market Law Review
- Current Legal Problems
- International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice
- Intertax : European tax review
- Journal of Environmental Law
- Journal of Human Rights Practice
- Journal of Law and Society
- Journal of Legislative Studies
- Law Teacher
- Legal Studies
- Modern Law Review
- New Criminal Law Review
- New Law Journal
- Publius : the Journal of Federalism
Print Journals
- BIALL newsletter
- European current law: monthly digest
- International journal of comparative labour law and industrial relations
- Legal information management
Additional Journals
Additional Journal Collections
Additionally, you may find these additional journal collections useful.
- Springer Compact This link opens in a new windowSpringer Compact includes access to over 2,000 full-text journals covering a wide range of health, humanities, medical, social sciences, science and technology subjects.
- Taylor & Francis Online This link opens in a new window
Taylor & Francis Online includes access to over 1,000 full-text journals covering a wide range of subjects from the social sciences & humanities and science & technology disciplines.
- Wiley Online Library This link opens in a new windowWiley Online Library includes access to over 1,500 full-text journals covering a wide range of subjects including architecture, art, business, computing, criminology, education, health sciences, law, literature, nursing, psychology and sociology.
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