Find Resources: Researching journal articles about a topic

In Library Search you can find journals using keywords, authors names, articles titles or journals names. This page shows you how to search for journal articlessearch for journal titles and what you can do if you can't find what you are looking for.

Search for journal articles

There are multiple ways to find only journal articles: select a search option before submitting the query or filter the results.

In Library Search, the term Articles refer to scholarly journal articles.

 Select the Articles search tab

As you type an article's title or author in the search box, you will see the search tab options appear under the search box along with suggestions.

You can either select the Articles option to submit the search after entering search terms... 

Articles search option

... or change the search option after you submitted a search. Select the search tab and press return or click the search button to submit the search query.

Articles search option selected in the search box


 Filter by Resource Type in Library Search

On the left side of the search results page, under Resource Type, click or select filters related to the types of article you are looking for:

articles resource type filters selected in library search



Search for journal titles

To find journals, not the articles they contain, select the Journals filter under Resource Type on the left side of the search results.

The Journals filter includes both academic publications, magazines and newspapers:

journals resource type filter in library search


If you can't find what you are looking for

These FAQs include the most common reasons you may not be able to find journal articles.


Can I find printed journal articles in Library Search?

No. Library search only indexes journal titles and only the articles that are available electronically (e-articles).

This means you can find print titles but not the articles within each printed issue.

Some journals publishers offer an searchable index on their website. Otherwise you have to browse the table of content in each print issue to find out its content. See Consulting Print Titles to learn how tho find printed journals within the campus libraries.


Can I search for articles beyond the library collections?

Yes. In Library Search you can extend your search to the collections the library does not subscribe to. This means you can find more articles but you may not have access to the article's full text.

In the Library Search results page, enable the Add items beyond library collections option.

Add items beyond library collections


Can I access articles with no online access?

Maybe. You can recognise items that are beyond the library's collections to the No Online Access link under the item's description.

no online access

If you come across a journal article or a journal issue that is not available at the BCU Library, we can try to request it from another library via the Inter-Library Loan service.

Click the No Online Access link and then click the Inter-Library Loan link in the item's detailed view.

inter library loan

Fill the request form and our Inter-Library Loans service will seek a copy for you.



If you have any suggestions for stock that does not appear on the Library Search results but you think may benefit you and other students on your course, please submit your suggestion.


Items not in stock