Find Resources: Refining your search

The Library Search results page includes filters and personalisation options to help you refine hundred thousands of results into a more relevant list of resources: by availability, resource type, publication date, subject, ...

Video- Refining Search Results

Watch the video below to discover how yo can refine search results in BCU Library Search.


Filter results

The Refine Results section on the left of the results page contains a list of filters such as: Resource type, Availability, Author, Publication date, etc …
Select one or multiple filters and click Apply to refine the search results.


Searching global records

By default, Library Search displays resources that are either held by the library or available online.

You can also search a global index that includes records from primary and secondary publishers and aggregators.

Switch on the Add items beyond library collections option under the refine your search panel.

Add items beyond library collections option


Personalize results ranking

Another way to obtain more relevant results is to increase the ranking of resources related to disciplines of your choice.

1- Click on the Personalize switch located under the search box.


2- Click Edit disciplines to modify your selection under the personalized results section.

3- Check the boxes corresponding to the desired disciplines under the Personalise the results dialog.