Psychology: Other databases
This section includes a list of other databases which you may find useful for your subject.
- ASSIA: Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts This link opens in a new window
Search or browse for abstracts and citations of journal articles on topics including health, education, psychology, social care and sociology.
- Box of Broadcasts (BoB) This link opens in a new windowLearning on Screen's on demand TV and radio service for education.
Please see our How do I register for access to Box of Broadcasts (BoB)? FAQ for help with registration.
- Community Care Inform Adults This link opens in a new windowPractice-related social care and social work information including guidance, legislation, research, videos and podcasts for professionals working with vulnerable adults.
- Community Care Inform Children This link opens in a new window
Practice-related social care and social work information including guidance, legislation, research, videos and podcasts for professionals working with children, young people and families.
- Child Development & Adolescent Studies This link opens in a new window
Search for abstracts and citations of journal articles, books, book chapters and theses & dissertations on the growth and development of children and young people.
- Kanopy This link opens in a new window
Stream over 20,000 films and documentaries to watch.
Please see our How do I sign in to Kanopy? FAQ for help with access.
- ScienceDirect This link opens in a new window
ScienceDirect includes access to over 3,000 full-text journals from Elsevier covering a wide range of subjects including computer science, engineering, health sciences, life sciences and social sciences and humanities.
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