Psychology: Key databases
Databases and journals give you access to the latest information on your subject.
This section includes lists of recommended databases for your subject.
- CINAHL Ultimate This link opens in a new window
Search for abstracts and citations of journal articles, books, book chapters and theses & dissertations, including some with full text links, on nursing, health visiting, midwifery and allied health topics.
- MEDLINE This link opens in a new window
Complied by the U.S. National Library of Medicine, search MEDLINE for abstracts & citations for journal articles on health and life sciences topics including medicine, nursing and allied health.
- Oxford Clinical Psychology This link opens in a new window
Search or browse more than 400 eBooks on disorders, therapies and treatments on topics related to clinical psychology, including child and developmental psychology and criminal and forensic psychology. Please note that access to all eBooks is not included.
Please see our How do I filter to only see content I have access to on Oxford University Press websites? FAQ for help and advice with searching. - PsycArticles and PsycInfo This link opens in a new window
Search for abstracts and citations of journal articles, books, book chapters and theses & dissertations, including some with full-text links, on psychology, psychiatry, mental health and the social sciences.
- SAGE Research Methods Core This link opens in a new windowSearch or browse the books, including the Little Blue Books and Little Green Books series, and reference collection for help with qualitative and quantitative research methods.
- SAGE Video Collection: Psychology This link opens in a new windowSearch or browse over 500 videos by topic, type or contributor on subjects including clinical, cognitive, developmental and social psychology.
- Scopus This link opens in a new window
Scopus is one of the largest databases of abstracts and citations of journals, books and conference proceedings from more than 5000 publishers, with coverage including science, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts and humanities research.
- Wiley Online Library This link opens in a new windowWiley Online Library includes access to over 1,500 full-text journals covering a wide range of subjects including architecture, art, business, computing, criminology, education, health sciences, law, literature, nursing, psychology and sociology.
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