Music (classical & jazz) & Music Technology: Orchestral Sets
Image credit: BCU Assets
The sets of parts for Orchestral, Vocal, Brass Band, Wind Orchestra and Jazz Band ensembles are primarily for official Conservatoire performances and are kept in locked rolling shelves. Ask about sets at the Curzon Library Help Desk.
Individual parts not for performance may be used in the Library but not taken out of it.
Borrowing Sets
Some sets may be available for non-official performances but this is at the discretion of the Library. If permission is granted a request card must be completed at least 14 days before the music is required.
The borrower is responsible for the safe return of all materials and agrees to pay for replacements.
The Royal Birmingham Conservatoire pays for the hire of sets for official performances. For further information, contact the RBC Performance Department.
If a set is not purchasable
If a set is not purchasable it may be possible to borrow it from another Library. There is a useful catalogue of orchestral and vocal sets called Encore.
If if is not purchasable it may be possible to hire an orchestral (or, occasionally) vocal set. A useful source for discovering from whom orchestral sets may be hired is Zinfonia, which requires (free) registration.