Dietetics: Books

This guide contains resources, help and support from the library for Dietetics

You can find print books by searching the catalogue, but also by browsing the shelves to find titles you may not have thought of. Learn what to do when an item is not in stock.


Looking for other books on the physical or virtual shelves is another way to discover interesting titles. Look for the shelfmarks corresponding to related topics. Online you can browse and search the e-book collections BCU has subscribed.




Finding a book

The BCU Library Search box is available at the top of the library website pages. Use the Library Search help to learn how to refine your search results, check an item's availability, discover related resources and build advanced search queries.


BCU Library Search Help

When an item is not in stock

There are several options available to you when a book is not in stock:

  • You can reserve a book when all the copies in your library have already been borrowed 
  • If you found a book which is not held by BCU, you can request an inter-library loan
  • And finally, you may also suggest a book for purchase

Items not in stock