Dietetics: Health Reports and Policies

This guide contains resources, help and support from the library for Dietetics

a stethoscope over graphs

Health guidelines are evidence based recommendations for the treatment and care of people by health professionals.

A health policy “defines health goals at the international, national or local level and specifies the decisions, plans and actions to be undertaken to achieve these goals” (World Health Organisation, 2021). 

There are multiple sources where health policies can be found.  Within the UK these include (but are not limited to):

  • Government departments including, Department of Health and Social Care, Office of Health Security, Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, Department for Leveling up, Housing and Communities
  • NHS Websites and Local trusts.
  • Local Government and City Council websites
  • International bodies such as the WHO, UNICEF, EU council 

International policies may be discovered on equivalent bodies within individual countries.  

Below are links to a range of health policy sources to get you started.  These include: government and NHS sources, professional bodies and other organisations, local sources, and international sources.

International, Government and NHS Sources