Business: Accounting, Audit, Business Economics, Finance and Economics: Key databases
Databases and journals give you access to the latest information on your subject.
This section includes lists of recommended databases, journals and websites for your subject.
- Business Source Premier This link opens in a new window
Search for abstracts and citations of journal articles, including some with full text links on accounting, business, economics, finance, human resources, leadership, management and marketing topics.
- Croner-i Library This link opens in a new windowUp to date information for accounting, auditing, finance and tax professionals.
- Fame This link opens in a new window
Search for finance and accounting information on companies based in the United Kingdom and Ireland.
- Henry Stewart Talks Business and Management Collection This link opens in a new window
Leading business and management experts present video lectures and case studies on topics including accounting, finance, leadership, marketing, sales and strategy.
- ProQuest One Business This link opens in a new window
Search or browse for abstracts and citations (including many with full-text) from journals, books, dissertations, newspapers, market research reports and videos on business, leadership and management topics.
- Wiley Online Library This link opens in a new windowWiley Online Library includes access to over 1,500 full-text journals covering a wide range of subjects including architecture, art, business, computing, criminology, education, health sciences, law, literature, nursing, psychology and sociology.
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