Searching: Keywords and phrasing

Learn some useful search techniques, improve your search results and confidently undertake research using the Library Search or databases.

Search engines in Library Search and the academic databases match search terms within their indexes.

Use these techniques to search academic sources effectively:


Because most academic search tools do not interpret natural language, you must break your topic into to keywords you will use as search terms.

Keywords are the most important words in the question or sentence you want to search for.

When you think about researching a topic, pick out key themes from your assignment title, essay plan, or literature review outline.

See keywords examples in the table below:

Sentence Corresponding Keywords
At what time will the bus pass? Bus timetable
When is the library open? Opening hours
Find popular pictures with cats. Cat memes


Phrase searching

Phrase searching is a way of making your search more specific via proximity.

BCU Library Search examples


Stop words

These are the most common words which you'll find in each language.

When you search for a stop word, most databases will ignore them during a basic keyword search.

Here are some the words ignored by Library Search: 

A, Are, Few, He, I, In, Itself, Me, No, Of, She, The, What, ...

Stop words example

If you search for how to expand your vocabulary, Library Search ignores the words "how", "to" and "your", meaning it will find any publications mentioning both "expand" AND "vocabulary".


If you search for "how to expand your vocabulary" with quotations marks, it will find that exact phrase, including "how", "to" and "your" in that order.