Literature Review: Support for Higher Degree Research: Evaluate

Library & Learning resources support for research degree students

The evaluative process requires critical thinking and the consideration of multiple perspectives. 

The benefits of evaluating resources

By evaluating you can:

  • Develop an understanding of the multiple perspectives within your discipline. Your research may well cut across one or more disciplines.
  • Adopt a systematic approach to collecting information. Use an appropriate selection criteria.
  • Distinguish between different information resources (e.g. peer-reviewed, professional, trade or popular journals).
  • Assess the quality, accuracy, relevance, bias, authority and credibility of the articles/material that you find.
  • Read critically, identifying key points and arguments.
  • Relate what you have found to your original search strategy and adapt the search strategy as appropriate.
  • Critically appraise and evaluate your own findings and those of others.