Critical Evaluation: Processes in source creation

Learn how to critically evaluate the sources you are using so that you can confidently provide these as evidence in your work.

Credibility Transparency Corroboration Defined var

​Source credibility is " a function of the reliability of the processes used by the source" (Chinn and Rinehart, 2017: 1710).

Whether an expert is credible in what they write will depend on the processes used to generate the evidence. The processes used to generate the evidence will vary depending upon the subject.

The research methods used and their validity is a more accurate evaluation of the credibility of the source than relying just on source features.

Initial evaluations of quantitative and qualitative studies

Use the probing questions listed below based on Tables 3.6 and 3.7 of Hart (2018: 83)


  • Is there sufficient primary data to warrant the author's interpretation?
  • Is the interpretation plausible?
  • Does the evidence support the claims?
  • Are the claims framed against the existing literature?
  • Does the interpretation explain existing as well as new evidence?


  • What research methods were used to create the source?
  • Are the methods suited to the aims of the study?


  • Are there multiple sources of evidence?
  • How reliable are these?
  • Are there alternative sources of data that could have been used?
  • Does the author refer to other sources?
  • Have you checked these sources to corroborate the evidence? 


Defined and measurable outcome variables

  • Have these outcome variables been isolated and defined?
  • Can the output variables be measured?
  • Is there a standard way of doing so and has it been used?



  • Is the sample representative of the population being studied?
  • Has the sample selection minimised the possibility of bias?
  • What is the significance that the sample gives to the results?
  • What is the sample size?
  •  Are there any p-values greater than 0.10?



  • How were threats to the accuracy of the samples and the research methods used addressed?
  • Are the research methods transparent?
  • Has the reliability of the research methods been confirmed?


You are more likely to rate more highly sources that produce empirical evidence based on sound research methods.