Criminology: Other databases
This section includes lists of other databases which you may find useful for your subject.
- Box of Broadcasts (BoB) This link opens in a new window
Learning on Screen's on demand TV and radio service for education.
Please see our How do I register for access to Box of Broadcasts (BoB)? FAQ for help with registration.
- Lexis+ UK This link opens in a new window
Search legal research, including practical guidance, for cases, books, guidance, legislation, journals and tools to support your law studies and legal work.
- Police Oracle This link opens in a new windowSearch or browse for information, including best practice, knowledge articles, and news stories on police and policing.Please also see our How do I register for access to Police Oracle? FAQ.
- Scopus This link opens in a new window
Scopus is one of the largest databases of abstracts and citations of journals, books and conference proceedings from more than 5000 publishers, with coverage including science, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts and humanities research.
- Westlaw UK This link opens in a new window
Search or browse this legal database for cases, legislation, journals, current awareness alerts and topic reviews. Also include access to US and international law materials.
Please see our How do I register for access to Westlaw? FAQ for help with registration.
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Help pages and user guide.
Open Access.
Podcast available.
App available.
Library dashboard post.