Social Work: General databases
General databases will suggest academic papers and research from across a range of subject areas, but most offer good coverage of education and social science.
Usually you can conduct either a basic or advanced search - an advanced search enables you to combine key words more effectively and to search within specific fields, such as author or title.
Sometimes you may find a journal article which is not available to BCU online, but you can always consider requesting it through an Inter-Library Loan request.
- Box of Broadcasts (BoB) This link opens in a new window
Learning on Screen's on demand TV and radio service for education.
Please see our How do I register for access to Box of Broadcasts (BoB)? FAQ for help with registration.
- Kanopy This link opens in a new window
Stream over 20,000 films and documentaries to watch.
Please see our How do I sign in to Kanopy? FAQ for help with access.
- ScienceDirect This link opens in a new window
ScienceDirect includes access to over 3,000 full-text journals from Elsevier covering a wide range of subjects including computer science, engineering, health sciences, life sciences and social sciences and humanities.
- Web of Science This link opens in a new window
Search Web of Science for abstracts and citations of journals, books and conference proceedings from science, social sciences and arts & humanities subjects.
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